Do You Have A Project We Can Help With?

Contact Us


We have a varied industrial customer base with extensive experience in international markets in these and other industries

  • Ports
  • Shipyards & Ship Lifts
  • Aluminium Plants
  • Heavy Construction
  • Ship Unloaders
  • Coal Yards
  • Paper & Pulp Mills
  • Rocket Launch Sites
  • Bulk Handling Systems
  • Electrical Generating Plants
  • Offshore Oil Rig Platforms
  • Automated Storage Systems
  • Automotive Plants
  • Container Crane Ports

Whatever your field, we speak your language!

rocket launch site

Rocket launch site

rail engineering

Rail engineering

nuclear lifting equipment

Nuclear lifting equipment

rail engineering

Rail engineering

steel mill

Steel mill

ore dock

Ore dock

coal yard

Coal yard

trolley rail

Trolley rail